About the Writer Moonwillow

I've been writing since childhood. Add that to an active imagination + my life experiences & the end result is my Gullveig novels, poetry & other written works.

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes is a fantasy-fiction novel set in a fictitious magickal world.

The main character is a half-mortal-half-witch, complete with the many flaws and personal issues that we all face.

The novel is about her personal struggles within herself as well as the magickal community where she lives and the battle they face against an evil from their own kind.

In the Gullveig Sequel Twin Souls Twin Flames the lives of those who live in Gullveig continues to evolve.

However all is not well with their world.

The story is now crossing many oceans and entering into different dimensions and other realms of reality and the blessed ones from many other magickal communities realise the revival of an ancient order threatens the safety of them all.

Azura now finds herself in a time long since past to learn wisdom, vital to their survival against the dark forces who continue to plot against them.

The Voices of the Ancient & the Shining Ones is the long awaited and much sought after book of poetry compiled into a beautiful book by popular demand of the fans and followers of the well-received and insightful writer Moonwillow.

Moonwillow is currently working on her series of Gullveig novels and a beautiful tale of romance based in the ancient times as well as continuously adding to her poetry collection.

The prose in this book is a collection of spiritual poetry from many different walks of life including the many faces of Paganism, Avalon, The Shining Ones, The Ancients, Druids, Shamans, Mother Earth, The Goddess, The Fae, Lemuria, Atlantis and the Angels to name but a few.

There are also two short stories included that have a deep and personal meaning to Moonwillow plus some poetry very personal to the writer herself from her own life experiences.

"I have always walked the path of the ancients and do not remember being any other way.

My happiest childhood memories were of times spent alone in the fields behind my home with just the birds, the trees, the wind and nature to keep me company.

I remember collecting animal bones, berries, stones, feathers, leaves, flower petals, etc and making up for as long as I can remember and somehow I never poisoned myself.

A higher source looking after me is why I believe, along with bringing in ancient knowledge I had retained from previous incarnations.

I was also aware of being able to see and communicate with spirits from a young age.

In fact when I was very young I really didn't differentiate the spirits that I could see from the living and really couldn't understand why I kept getting into trouble for making up people that others couldn't see, when I knew that they were there.

I spent a lot of time in my room as a child for ‘freaking’ my mother and her friends out.

As I grew I spent a lot of time and energy working on and developing these gifts.

I read the tarot and a variety of other cards and divination tools as well as working with my crystal ball.

Although I enjoy working with these tools, they are not actually necessary … they just give a focus for what is already naturally there inside of me.

My favourite form of divination is scrying and I love working with fire and water.

I also work with shamanic energies and enjoy working with the principles of the medicine wheel, animal medicine and working with the energies.

I also enjoy journeying into the other realms.

I do visionary work and often get visions not only through my dreams but in my waking life often seeing not only some of what is to pass but also what has already gone before.

I always felt and knew that I was different to others around me and have felt that way my whole life.

I was very much a loner as a child and it took me a long time to come to terms with being different, due to my experiences in this life and how I was treated.

But I now embrace that difference and I love being me, a pagan, a child of the earth and I live this life openly.

I am totally at peace with who I am and it is often commented by others that I am one of the happiest people that they know.

Not because of material things but the inner peace I have within myself, of knowing and accepting who I am.

I have raised my two children to be very open minded and that absolutely anything is possible.

I am a child of the earth, the moon and the stars and a daughter of the Goddess.

I know and understand that no matter how my body is born into each life, that the Goddess and the Earth are my true family and my mothers.

That the ancient ones and ways are my true teachings and that I know that I will follow this path until the end of time.

May you all be blessed as you follow your own hearts and your paths!