A few Examples of Poetry by Moonwillow


When we start upon our journey
That we chose within this life
We have support and love and guidance
From those beings from the light

Our angels love is unconditional
There simply are no rules apply
Their love is instant and it guides us
With their support from up on high

If you are searching for an angel
Just journey deep within your heart
And you will find your angel lives there
For from this heart they never part

Part of our own angelic journey
Is to seek the light and higher ground
And from our hearts with love and joy
To share the love and light we’ve found

Our immortal souls are like the angels
They’re free from danger and from sin
When our souls free from our bodies
We’re no longer imprisoned by the din

When we find peace we find our angels
And hear and speak with them each day
We see their sparkle from the heavens
And all the light they send our way

We know our destiny is heaven
With our angels and our guides
But we are here to raise awareness
And help the lost into the light!


This sweet young maiden with her skin so clear
With a freshness about her this time of the year
Her sweetness and innocence captures all of our hearts
Her freedom of spirit is as bright as a lark

Now this lady is in full bloom as the full-bodied mother
Her children they flower as they gather around her
At this time of year she’s as ripe as can be
There is much celebration of her fertility

When days turn to darkness it’s the time of the crone
But this is no time for her to be alone
The wealth of her wisdom is hers alone to impart
We should listen to her words as they come from the heart

These are the three faces of the lady herself
We can learn from all three if we listen as well
From the freshness of youth to the wisdom of age
This wonderful lady is a seer of considerable adage!


If we really want to change
And raise awareness and to learn
We must stop blaming and condemning
And show others how to learn

We must always stand in our truth
If we really want to earn
Our own pathway to heaven
And stop wanting more to own

Greed’s like a great tidal wave
It smothers everything it seeks
What you bought it doesn’t mean much
Without peace and happiness within

Never covet what you seek
You should share with one and all
If you covet then you smother
And then the good for all is gone

Wisemen attend to our surroundings
As they are also part of us
Indifference starves us then we shrivel
Our bodies then return to dust

Our biggest treasures in our heart
Cannot be stolen it’s safe in there
We should be good to one another
Our heart is priceless, our love to share

We should never fight fire with fire
Allow the gentle coolness of the stream
To calm and soothe our troubled waters
Then things will calm as if a dream

Never focus on the rudeness
Of others and what they have done
Instead look deep inside yourself
And ask, “What have I left undone?”

Don’t feel guilty if you’re happy
Just spread this joy around for all
For when life turns and gets much harder
This joy it cushions when you fall

See your world as if a bubble
A mirage but twice as bright
Like mirrors of another world
Where truth and love live in the light!


Angel blessings from above
As they surround you with their love
Never worry, never fear
Your guardian angels are always near

Archangel Michael will protect you long
As his wings surround you and keep you strong
Archangel Raphael and his healing ways
Your soul he heals throughout your days
Archangel Gabriel with messages of hope
Brings light your way and helps you cope
Archangel Uriel so strong and proud
Shows you your silver lining in your cloud

The wonderful angels full of song and love
They stay with us, help from the heavens above
To find our way through our days and nights
And live with them in love and light!

Look deep in your heart to find your rainbow
Follow your emotions wherever they may flow
The Goddess will fulfil your heart’s desires
And this will kinder your internal fires
Look at your world around the twilight
See mother moon now, bathe in her light
With all her wisdom of the other worlds
She knows the secrets of our bards of old

Our Litha Sun rises in the East so full of grace
We bathe within the warmth of our Litha Sun's embrace
Her gown woven with leaves of the forest so green
Adorned in summer's beauty, a delight to be seen
As the sun's golden orbs fade & transform into night
Silver Lady endows her blessings within the moonlight
The shining ones appear glowing their light in the night

Our Summer Solstice is now nearly upon us & here
We welcome Litha, this brightest & warmest time of year
As the first ray of golden sunlight hits our early morning sky
It awakens our hearts, we sing with joy to be alive

As the golden orbs of light bless all of us around
All our yearnings are fulfilled, mystic visions weave abound
Our baskets of life overflow with wondrous gifts from the earth
The fairies and elementals dance and join us with the mirth

We celebrate this time with the longest day of the year
Enjoy the warmth of our son God, know with him we can embrace & cheer
Florestry in full bloom as maidens and mothers dance all around
Know our mother loves each of her children and spreads her joy unabound

Our dreams & thoughts are our wishes we release on the winds
We pray & cast our spells to give them wings
We hold our breaths as we release them & they take flight
In the midnight hour...In the deep velvet of the night
For dreams to become our reality
We must have faith & send them forth & set them free
To allow them to grow & blossom & be all they can be
So they return to us as we would wish them to be

Whatever path that you may stroll
You can feel her presence, deep within your soul
As you look into a moonlit sky
Watch dreamily, the stars drift by

Look deep within them, see in your heart
Our Goddess' presence that will never part
Gaze into the moonlit sky, see that from afar
Her gift to you is a bright new shining star

Where all your hopes & wishes & your dreams
Are waiting for you on the brightest moonbeam

Our Goddess is the beauty of our earth so green
She is the moon that glows among our stars
She is the deep mystery of our oceans,lakes & waters
She is the stars within our eyes

She has been with us from the beginning
She will be with us forever more
You must seek deep within your heart & soul to find her
Or you will look forever more

All poetry on this page remains © 2010 Moonwillow