Moon's Online Magazine The Magick of Spirit & Enchantments

                              This is the front cover of the June 2010 edition...
To subscribe and get your copy just email

How many of you are fed up with the usual onslaught of meaningless magazines available today?
Do we really want to buy magazines any more that are full of stories about the very un-spiritual and generally uncaring way that some of those in the public eye choose to live their lives and the detrimental effect this has on our youth of today … these people should be setting an example to our youth and in my opinion are failing miserably….
We get enough every day politics, death and destruction in the newspapers … so do we really want to read about that…. If you are still reading this….then I guess the answer is no…..

This magazine to be about is Spiritual matters, Wicca, Paganism, Shamanism, Buddhism, Druids, all forms of healing and this just a start.

This magazine will be monthly and although I will be the editor, its content will be controlled by the most important people…those who will read this magazine….you!

So…yes…I did put the first edition together with just a little help from my friends…but I will be asking you…the readers to submit articles for the following editions.
Poetry, quotations, and your thoughts… any areas of expertise you would like to share.
Any experiences of a spiritual nature you would like to share. Anyone trying to raise awareness for anything of a spiritual nature.
There will be a page allowing those who work in spiritual fields to advertise their services…but I would ask you to keep these adverts short and to the point with the links to your own web pages
with the full details and prices.
There will be information posted on Witchcraft and Magick, Paganism, Shamanism, Druids, Healing in all its forms, Spirituality, Mediumship, Intuitive and Psychic Awareness
and many other subject matters of interest.
There will be a Herbal Garden section with herbs listed every week giving you all their properties and how you can work with them to improve your lives.
There will be a Spell Page offering a cross section of simple spells for people to try….please email in any special requests and we will try to accommodate you…
There will also be periodic pages about the Sabbats and any other important holidays other cultures embrace with as much information as possible and suggested ways to celebrate these different traditions.
Again to cover as many cultures as possible I would ask that you…the readers contribute to this by either writing these articles yourself or sending all the information in so I can write it up for you.

Please email any of your submissions to  with a clear statement that you accept this will be open to all public
and that you aware any submissions you enter will receive no payment.
All the authors of all articles, poetry, information, artwork, etc submitted for publication will be given full credit for their work.

If you have a website of your own…please feel free to use your page to let us know about it.

If you are asking for guidance and do not want to use your real name please feel free to use your spiritual name.
The same applies with any of your submissions…although as the editor I will need to know your real identity for the obvious legal reasons. However I will abide by your wishes
and only publish under the name you wish to be known by.
There will also be a Guidance Column for those who wish to ask for spiritual help and guidance and are in need.

Hopefully this has given you an idea of what this magazine will be about and I look forward to receiving from you…the readers… your input on any matters you pertain are important and suitable for this publication.

There will be NO charge or payment made at this time for the submission of any articles or advertisements at as this magazine will purely be an online one…
 However the editor and owner does reserve the right to make any changes to these conditions in the future.
You will be notified a month in advance of this and any other changes should this occur.

 May our Creator shine the light upon you all so we can all be equally blessed.
The Brightest of Magickal Blessings to you all!