Moonwillow's Fans Have their Say

A collage of some of the Gullveig Fans

A creative force, Moonwillow expresses her ideas fluently and skilfully through the medium of literature.

Inspired by the magickal community she writes about, she brings to life the medieval style in the clothes she creates for friends and family.

On meeting Moonwillow the first impression is a sense of wisdom.
Not so much 'Earth Mother' as earthbound sage.

It soon becomes clear that she is utterly unaware of this level of presence.

She is welcoming, modest, quite down to earth really, but at the same time has a spark - the air of someone with an artistic energy fizzing away within a calm exterior.

Emma Rhodes.......artist from Luton, UK

I Love your writing.

Blessed be. Luv Susie

Jimmy Stanco

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes is both an interesting and well paced book.
It is incredibly easy to get into and it didn't take long before I was lost in the pages.

The characters and setting are both believable and it is easy to place yourself in the story.

Unlike some books, the plot isn't lost throughout the story and it doesn't start to confuse you as it progresses and can be enjoyed by all age groups.

Leanne Woodfield from Dunstable, Bedfordshire. UK.

Absolutely beautiful

My writer friend seem intent on depriving me of oxygen this morning.... Breathless....

Rowan Darkmoon Dragonstorm

Love your writings Moonwillow.

Thank you for sharing. ♥

Sonja Whitefeather Whitaker

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes is not the type of book I would normally read.
However, when I actually bought the book and read it, I thought it was absolutely fantastic.

Brilliant. I loved it.

In fact, I've read it twice now and don't doubt I shall read it again.

I feel that it has a Jayne Eyre period feel to it.

Can't wait for Moonwillow to release her next one.

David Holmes from Kings Lynn, Norfolk. UK

I don't normally read any books, I'm more of a TV person, but I liked the concept, as it is mainly a book to do with witches, which I love.

It also has a lot of family life qualities in it.

When I read this book I found it extremely easy to read and very enjoyable.

I found it extremely easy to visualise what Gullveig would look like.

I particularly loved the elf Touralain, he's so gobby. I also loved Hedley-Kow, the shape-shifting elf.

Rachel Halling from Southend-On-Sea, Essex. UK.

You possess such a beautiful mind filled with creative paths one enjoys following you to a awe filled existence.

I have such respect and reverance for the rainbow of promise you place in the earth and heaven of my being.

Gratitude sweet sister! ♥

Renea Medford McCoy

These are enchanting words.

Gary Wayne Woods

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes... Not another fantasy fiction novel like the others I thought... Well, I thought wrong.

This is a well-written novel with a lot of thought going into the plot and the dynamics of the characters and how they all interact as the book progresses.

It was great to see the usage of magical creatures not normally portrayed in these type of novels such as the Nagas, Bugul Noz and the Meerows.

The author has obviously researched her subject matter well. obviously A novel that could be enjoyed by all ages.

John Palletti from Kettering. Northants. UK

This is so beautiful...

Thank you for sharing..

Especially love what is underneath to allow our spirits to dance and move as nature does!

Rebecca Bryson

Very enchanting...Love it

Sonya Culley

That is beautiful hun.....You have such a way with words x

Claire Nicola

Although this is primarily a fantasy fiction novel it is also the story of a woman empowering herself by dealing with a horrendous childhood of abuse.
It tells of her very human struggles to overcome her past and the resilience that it takes to do this.

For myself, the magic in the book is incidental.

I enjoyed the coming together of not only a Pagan Community but a Shamanic one as well, working in harmony together against a greater evil.

I believe this book would be enjoyed by many and not just those with an interest in the fantasy fiction genre.

Donna Hartwell from Islington, London. UK

Your magick resonates into the depth of the Mother's womb.

Your heart is in the place of a beautiful tree flourishing beside waters of blessings.
Thank you moon willow for this.

Most definately Blessed Be dearest one.

Joseph Arrigo

Your words are so beautiful.

Bright Blessings Moonwillow xxx

Eily Dooley

Rising Magickal and so Illuminating!!

Incredibily beautiful ♥ Feeling much Gratitude within ♥

Thank you Sweet Sister for sharing your beautiful gifts with us.

You are a treasure!! ♥

Skye Moon Phoenix

There's just something about magic isn't there??

I love it! I saw this book and read the back cover and thought Ooh! Yay! A magic book!

I like to read anyway so it was really nice to read a story that has lots of fairies and glittery things and just lots of things which are really cool and exciting.

The story is really good as well, but some of it made me sad and made me cry, but some bits made me happy too.

I really like it, I want another one!

Kayley Naughton from Hitchin, Beds. UK

hello moonwillow I love this ...

Megga brill sweetheart

Rose Fordnairn

oooooooh.... just ooooh....

Right from the great circle within the mists my dear friend.......

Thank you for taking me there )O( ♥

Phi Hutton

I STILL have goosebumps from this! ♥)O(♥

Dragons FireHeart

An enthralling read. Although not much of a book reader normally, I found myself captivated and consumed by this novel.

The concept of the novel took me to new places and made me ask questions of my imagination that prior to reading this novel I would not have even considered.

Being male...the idea of engaging in an intimate act whilst in the form of another animal I found intriguing, interesting, yet at the same time completely and utterly bizarre.

In short, I loved this concept.

I hear whispers that the author is writing a follow-up to this novel, all I can say is I hope there are more wolves in the next one!!

John Bruce from Stanford, Beds. UK

So beautiful to read your words..

You speak for so many of us..
Thank you.

Your words help me feel I can take care of my daily ordeals now.

Have a wonderful day moonwillow

Rebecca Maese Gonzales Forsythe

Thank you for this.

I am part Crow Indian and follow the Native path.

This is beautiful!

Jayme Bricco

I think this book is well wicked.

I saw it on Amazon and the book cover just looked well crazy, so I thought it might be a proper good book and I was right.

I love magic and the book is full of magic.

I like the dude Brok 'cos he sounds just like me and that's wicked.

Dave Thompson from Dunstable, Bedfordshire. UK

I LOVE this.. ♥

Thank you for sharing....

I am family dates back to Pocahontas !!

Susan Myree Bowling

Wado sister Moon willow peace and Joy be yours alway sister wildflower

Nancy Cross

Your WORDS are awesome

Lisa Cincotta

Beautiful Moonwillow.

Real adoreable poems.

Eva-Beathe Jensen

I first heard of this novel from a friend who wouldn't stop telling me how great it is, so eventually I gave in and bought a copy, and now I'm really glad that I did.

The story is really gripping, in some ways I can refer to the main character Azura as she appears to have quite a similar background to myself, its almost quite spooky, in some ways her childhood sounds really similar to my own.

That didn't take anything away from the way that I read and enjoyed it, definitely worth a read.

Gina Lee from Luton, Bedfordshire. UK

Love it!

Your beautiful words are so inspiring.

Circe Cain

I always love what yoU write Moon.

Sonja Whitefeather Whitaker

Seems everything you write is simply beautiful and so worth sharing, thank you Moon for this,

I love it!!! And I love you, sister ♥

This is wonderful.....
I love when Autumn is in the air with just a touch of Summer left.

Thank you for sharing this and thank you Moon for being you. Love ya ♥

Mary R. King

A well thought out novel.

The author obviously knows a great deal about her subject matter and I particularly loved the fact that she has obviously gone to a lot of trouble to translate her spells into Latin.

This gives the book a feeling of authenticity and a belief that these spells in some course of history could have actually worked.

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes has a timeless feel to it that has obviously been left up to the individual's imagination as to when these events actually took place.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to Moonwillow releasing her next one.

Lyn Redbourne from Toddington, Beds. UK

Thank you from a modern-day Druid ♥

This is beautiful )0(

Donna Barney

this is beautiful...

You are very talented.

Eliza White Buffalo


Kim Hutchins-Tomson

Beautiful moonwillow....

Enjoying your gift sister

Rebecca Maese Gonzales Forsythe

Thanks Willow -

That's given me a really good kick up the bum which I really needed!!

Bless you x

Annic Journeaux

Magical, Beautiful words to live by x

Thank you for being my friend x

Theresa Kelly

I really enjoyed this novel.

The storyline of it made me feel something really strange, it was almost like déjà vu, like I had been there before.

The characters just seemed so familiar to me, maybe I felt I could see things in certain characters that I see in myself and others, I'm not sure.

Either way, that and the whole man-wolf concept made it a really good read, its one of those books you can read time and time again and enjoy it just as much each time.

Debbie Harwood from Dunstable, Beds. UK


Thank you for reminding me to keep the faith and that magick is all around me )0(
Brightest Blessings

Caroline Noelle Clark

Moonwillow, you have a beautiful spirit! ♥

Nancy Trump

Absolutley stunning.

Your words are beautiful.

My imagination was captured in the moment to another world.......

Thank you for

Karin Le Breton

OH My !! Moonwillow!! WOW!!

Your words are like a warm caress to my Soul,such beauty and knowing within and the sharing with our brothers and sisters just warms my heart.

Touching and Honouring the Elements and Elementals around us as we walk our path, acknowledging the Blessings of God and Goddess and being so grateful for them.

Thank you Moonwillow for another GIFT of your words.

Love you my Sister. ♥

Skye Moon Phoenix Rising

Gullveig & The Breaking of the Hexes, well, the name of the book is certainly unique, which is quite fitting really because I'm not sure I've read anything quite like it, and I've been an avid book reader for many years.

Although I see myself as being quite the traditionalist, I did find it completely fascinating how the concept of living in a world inside of our own would work out.

I don't think I could do it myself, but that's the great thing about fiction isn't it? It makes anything possible, and it truly is in this book, quite extraordinary. An absolutely splendid read!

Edward Lawson from Bedford. UK

Yes,Moonwillow,I FELT every word!!

You are truly a talented BEing,
Such emotion, and the gift of projecting a clear image of what your words evoke.

Thank you again.

Blessings to you. ♥

Skye Moon Phoenix Rising

You are a well versed bard

Erin- Annach

What a Joy to read Your Beautiful Writings dear Moonwillow... ♥

Agnes Pels van Leeuwen

Sharing like this enlightens so many darkened souls !!!

Its the 'moving' within that is so awesome! Words, Music, imagination...and what a combination when all put together

A beautiful way to connect to and honour Spirit

Paul Anthony Davies

Just breathtaking. thank u.

God Bless.

Maggie Martin

As always.... just lovely!

Thank you my sister across the way! xo

Suzanne Jacques

Spiritual and beautiful.

Thank you for sharing

Bright Blessings xx

Lily Rosin

My sister from Dunstable sent me this book as a birthday present.

Although I don't know too much about magic and such, it's obvious to me that the book is really well written, both from imagination and knowledge.

The story of the book itself is touching, I found that within just a few short pages I was completely absorbed in the story and couldn't put it down, I simply lost track of time whilst reading this book, it made me feel like time was standing still.

I love the way it appears to have been written as if the author is actually from that world, it's so vivid and descriptive.

I love this book, best birthday present I've had in years.

Karren Wilson from Harrogate, Yorkshire. UK

Beautiful, Moon.

Bright Blessings be on you xx )O(

Chris Barker

I very much enjoy your reads and cannot wait for the new book.

Susan Dabe

I not only like it....there is nothing more beautiful than words of love, truth, and wisdom....


Tabitha Renee' House-Whittington

Thank you again for those beautiful thoughts!!

I always love your posts and poems!!!

Linda Altman

Smiling, as I play and dance in the sprinkled,sparkling fairydust.

Thank you for this enchanting peek into the world of the Fae. :-)

Skye Moon Phoenix Rising

you are so talented!

I am going to use this as a meditation xxx

Heidi Lawler

Gullveig & the Breaking of the Hexes charts the stereotypical battle between good and evil in a way that stereotypes could never comprehend.

It typifies the battles that society faces against not only threats from outside but also threats from within.

The plot runs deep into mind and delves into the soul in a way which can only serve to provoke a reaction from the reader.

The theme of magic brings its own element of fantasy to the story, yet the down-to-earth nature of many of the characters brings its own element of reality to the story.

In my honest opinion, the way in which the book is written makes it a brilliant read, both for those who read frequently and those who don't.

Joe Hill from Clifton, Beds. UK

This is very beautiful

Stormie Kocienski

Absolutely lovely words in in evocative power.

Thank you.

Gramma Reggie

Moon Willow- your book should be made into a movie!!

I just love Gullveig & The Breaking of the Hexes!

What a great movie it would make!

It really deserves to be sold worldwide.


Sheila Labbe from Gardena, CA

Very beautiful words...

I can place myself there...

Autumn Earthsong

Your words are so beautiful and so peaceful thanks for sharing.

Kathy McLaughlin

This book is absolutely brilliant Moonwillow really knows her stuff, the book is great for all age groups and from start to finish has the reader enthralled.

Well worth buying as this is the type of book you can read again and again and still find bits that come to life the more you read it.

Cant wait for the next book!!!

The more you read this book, the more you come to appreciate the fact that Moonwillow truly knows what she is writing about when it comes to the magickal side of it!

Sheiila Fitt from Great Offley, Bedfordshire, UK

You share sister with our blessing you are a lovely woman with a great talent

Its been an honor to have you and your beautiful works on my page

i wish you luck for all future ventures

love rosie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rose Fordnairn

I love your pages.

We thank you for your writings.

Bobbi Ward

I read the book really quickly cos i enjoyed it and cant wait til the next installment is ready.... impatient I am!

Denise Hill from Luton, Bedfordshire, UK

awww you so precious ♥♥♥

Kala Marie Toa

U are so talented.

A Gift from the Great Spirit to you and I luv your name too.

Elizabeth Wilson

I just started reading it and must say that even though I just started reading it.. im inchanted and excited to see what the next chapter will bring.

I feel like im totally at the point where reading it is like seeing the movie in your head... its wonderful..

ArraStar from Muncie, Indiana, United States

I strongly urge anyone who would love to read this type of book go to This book is a really excellent novel.

Bless you have a deep-reaching soul and a heart to match.

Dragons FireHeart

You are an inspiration to all who read your words.

Thank you.

Kathy Millard


I'm already almost half way... I'm up to The Dimension of the Dwarves... I don't normally read that much that fast.. but I'm totally into the book... I love it.

The book is not all that expensive and it is a really fun book to read. I am enjoying it very much and highly recommend it.

Moonwillow is a wonderful writer and brings her book to life within its pages.
I am in process of reading it now and I have to say as someone who is not a avid reader as I should be.. I love the book.. cant hardly put it down.

It's only available in the UK in the store and worldwide on the internet and was published in Great Britain in 2008.
I hope you will show your support to Moonwillow and get your copy today.
She is a wonderful writer... I for one LOVE IT.
I am now Moonwillow's no:1 fan!

ArraStar from Muncie, Indiana, United States

I just wanted to pop in and say that Gullveig and the Breaking of the Hexes is a wonderful book.

I'm halfway through my second read through and it's just as enthralling as the first time!

The characters are so well written that I feel I know them - a talent that I am envious of!
I am so looking forward to ordering my copy of the next book!

Well done Moon - you have made the dark, damp English evenings something to look forward to!

Rowan Darkmoon Dragonstorm

Oooooooooo gulveig 2 awsome

You're book is amazing

Tazzie from Arlesey, UK

Stunning ... You have the gift of words and I thank you for sharing.

Boudicca Dudhglas

Your book was awesome.

I read it after my mom did.

I cant wait to read the next installment of the story.

And about the surprise pregnancy!

this is a great book.

Raven Blackwolf from Muncie, IN, US

OHHHWAAA!!! that was Brilliant!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this Much love & light MoonWillow

 )O( The Goddess has truly blessed you....

Lorraine Mccarthy

I know the day will come when I can brag "I remember the day I met Moonwillow, and read some of her writings before she published them...and she has not changed a bit, she is still the same down-to-earth person she has always been!" :)

Love and Blessings Moon…

May your path remain steady and true…

Dragons FireHeart

Working on reading the first one now...

wish it could have been autographed lol

anyways it is a great book and i am looking forward to the



Missouri, USA

Moonwillow,the sacred depth of your feminine awareness and the expression of the depth of the dream is so beautifully and wonderfully balanced.thank you

Joseph Arrigo