Monday 18 October 2010

Another Kind of Christmas

                                DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGICK?
For those of you who are pagan among us here ... Here is a little taster of what the story is about and a short excerpt for you to read before my book Another Kind of Christmas is finally released next week ...
I have written this festive story in a way that incorporates our Pagan beliefs while still honouring others with the magick of Yule and Christmas and our way of life and gently explains it in a way that children will understand how the changes through the ages came to be in the format of almost a fairytale complete with that special magick that only comes with this very special festive season ...
♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥

There are still some small communities and individuals who continue to practise the old religions and celebrate the festival of Yule in the traditional way.

And the Holly King found himself in a bit of a quandary as to what to do about this.
So in the end he decided that he must honour both traditions.
And unknown to the millions of people who celebrated the newer Christmas Holidays, the Holly King actually has to do his rounds twice yearly.

Once on the eve of the 21st of December for Yule as the Holly King.
And again on Christmas Eve, the 24th December as Santa.

Another unknown secret is how on earth the Holly King first and then in his other form as Santa makes all his deliveries and on time.
Especially now that you have the knowledge that he actually has to do this twice.
Well, I will now let you into another little secret.
There are many communities of witches and wizards all over the world and an agreement had been made many centuries before that these communities would help Santa out on these holidays.
Not only with the deliveries but also using their magickal powers along with the elves and other magickal creatures to help make the toys and gifts to ensure that no child is ever left out.
♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥
A Brief Excerpt from the Book

Well, I will now let you into another little secret.

There are many communities of Witches and Wizards all over the World and an agreement had been made many centuries before that these magickal communities would help the Holly King out on these holidays.

Not only with the deliveries but also using their magickal powers to help make the toys and gifts to ensure that no child was ever left out.

And it was around now that the Holly King was expecting his band of seasonal helpers.
In fact they were due to arrive at any minute.

The Holly King quickly hurried through to the dormitories that had been prepared as sleeping quarters for the gaggle of not only Witches and Wizards due to arrive, but also the Dwarves and Elves that lived with and worked alongside these magickal communities.

He was looking forward to seeing his visitors but knew that he would have his work cut out as these Seasonal Helpers although very good at what they did, they did like to have fun while they did it and once they arrived …

Well …

Any kind of organisation flew right out of the window ...
Disorganised chaos would ensue for several days as they partied in their merriment and joy at being together with their friends again.

The Holly King never knew in the midst of all this merriment how anything ever got done, let alone making his deliveries on time.
But somehow it always went alright in the end.

As the Holly King finished making his rounds of the special sleeping quarters that he had organised for his guests and was satisfied that all was as it should be, the Sky-Dancers appeared and started to sing.
The Sky-Dancers are beautiful tiny little Fairies that have voices that lift your heart and soul to the heavens like a Choir of Angels.

They always appeared to herald expected visitors or to warn of anyone approaching their secret location in the North buried deep within a Sacred Mountain known as Norre Tieraisel.
This Sacred Mountain was kept hidden from the World by a string of magickal enchantments as well the Syl Tyrnea; a very special kind of Fairy Mist that the Fairy People kindly surrounded their World with to protect them from discovery.

The first to arrive were the Witches and Wizards from Gullveig.
A magickal community hidden deep within the heart of Eagle Mountains in the north of the USA.
They were quickly followed by the Orenda Valley Witches and Wizards from the Britains along with many others from other magickal communities from all over the World.

All these Witches and Wizards were accompanied by their Elves as well as the Dwarves who lived near to them in their Worlds.
Everyone from these Magickal Worlds knew that to have the Dwarves accompany them to help was a gift in itself, as Dwarves were exceptionally gifted crafts people with a specialty in creating the most beautiful enchanted and magickal objects.
A most useful gift, especially when it came to providing the Children of the Magickal Communities of the World with their gifts for Yule as well as enchanting the Mortal Children with their beautiful gifts as well.
♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥

© Moonwillow 2010
The copyright to this excerpt and book cover belongs to Moonwillow.
This book is available Worldwide from my official website along with my other published works at and it will also be available from WH Smiths, Waterstones and a variety of other retailers in the UK.

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