Monday, 18 October 2010

Moonwillow and her Enchanted World of Gullveig

Moonwillow and her Enchanted World of Gullveig

I am in full creative flow writing the sequel to my first Gullveig novel. I am so glad we now live by the sea as it truly helps to inspire me. I thank the Goddess for all her help and inspiration in my life every day!

I am a child of the old ways and still have their vision of how our world is supposed to be...And this is the perspective that my writings come from...I truly believe in the magick of the earth and work with it every day of my life.

There are some days I sit in front of my laptop all day & nothing seems to want to go right...the ideas are there but the fingers don't want to work as they should on the keyboard, can't remember how to spell, knowledge of grammar flies out to some far distant

The minute night time comes and it is time for sleepies, it all comes back, the story floods back into my head...& suddenly I can't keep up with inspiration as it flies much for trying to get my completely nocturnal sleep patterns back on track.....

Ahh, the joy of working with the muses!!!!!

And there are some days when I can have amazingly productive days...
Amazing how a bit of sunshine can enhance the creativity and get it flowing...

As I continue to write the sequel to the 1st Gullveig novel... the lives of those who live in Gullveig continues to evolve....
However not all is well with their world.....
The story is now crossing many oceans as I continue to write & the blessed ones from many places realise a revival of an ancient order threatens all ...

I thought perhaps you might like to know where some of my inspiration comes from when I write...

I love anything to do with the medieval and Arthurian times.....

Especially when it comes to the ancient ways of Merlin, the priestesses, the Druids and the Seers...
I also love the traditions of the Native Americans and Shamanism.

I have just finished doing more research...
This time on Atlantis for my writing....

The plot is going in directions even I didn't expect...
But I trust my intuition will always guide me to where I need to go.......
Creativity has gone into overflow and all my Atlantean research has gone to good use...

I have just finished two more chapters of the new novel in this awake time...
Think I might be turning into a vampire or a bat...
Maybe it’s both...

I have just introduced a new variety of magickal creature not known before...
As I have just created them...
For the novel I am working on now......
Complete with their own language...
A kind of combination between elvish and dwarf language....

I have come to the conclusion that writers or at least some of us....
Me included....
Come from a different planet to the rest of the world....
We live in our own worlds within the world and live in a different time zone to those around us....
A different sphere of energy.....
And I wouldn't change a thing....I love it....

I love the fact that as I write the story unfolds and though I do have the outline of the plot even I don't know where it is going to take me....
I just trust in my creativity and allow it to lead me where it wants to go......

Over half way there now...

Have spent some considerable time translating spells and incantations into old English and making up some fantasy names for the new magickal creatures for the novel I am working on right now.....

I am just bubbling over with creativity as I continue with my writing
It is really coming together now.......

You will introduced to new varieties of magickal creatures not known before.........
As I have just created them......
I have just written about the Hallions home land...
Who are the Hallions?... I hear you ask...
Ahh ... Well...
You will just have to read the 2nd Gullveig novel to find out...
That is ... When I have finished writing it...

With each day that goes by…
Even I don't know which path my writing is going to take...I am really excited at how this novel is panning out...
This is my best work yet!

I so love it what I do...


This book is available Worldwide from my official website along with my other published works at and it will also be available from WH Smiths, Waterstones and a variety of other retailers in the UK.

You can also find me on facebook under the name Moonwillow or look for my fan page called World of Moonwillow

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