Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Coming Soon - Gullveig Twin Souls Twin Flames

I wish to say thank you for sharing my creative journey alongside me & your patience in my answering posts as my muses & I are in full creative flow at the mo with my Gullveig Sequel Twin Souls Twin Flames ... This novel will be finished & ready for publication within the next few months ...
Will keep you all updated or you might like to check out my website & my other published works at  ♥

Here is a short excerpt from the novel I am currently writing:
♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥ ☆ ♥ )O( ♥ ☆ ♥

Deep in the bowels of an ancient castle in a Southern Coast of Ireland; a crumpled looking elderly man lay on the cold and damp stone floor of his dungeon cell.
In the cell adjacent to himself lay another prisoner, although whom this person was the elderly man had no idea as he had not murmured a single word since his capture.
In this dim light it was almost impossible to make anything out except the grim looking guards whom from time to time pressed their faces up against the bars of his damp and dismal prison to check on himself and his companion in the cell next to his and occasionally slide some rancid looking food and water to them under the bars of their prison.

At first glance it was impossible to make out who this elderly man was and he was very careful to shield his eyes from anyone who looked at him too intensely; guarding his vivid blue eyes and his vision from their intense stares.

Upon his capture he had kept his eyes firmly fixed on the floor refusing to meet his captors for fear they may discover who he truly was and he knew keeping his identity a mystery to his captors was essential for his not only his own life but that of many others as well.
So he played dumb and just shrugged his shoulders at all the questions being fired at him as though he was too stupid to understand them.

His raggedy attire and demeanour was so far from his usual almost regal presence that he believed that he had so far pulled this deception off with success and it was entirely possible that he had in fact so far avoided his captors from finding out his true identity.
They had decided that he was probably just a mere mortal who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, however they weren’t taking any chances and had knocked him unconscious and dragged him all the way to this forsaken place and thrown him into the dungeons.

He now signed deeply to himself as he continued to ponder the predicament he found himself in.

He knew what had happened to him had been an almost certainty but he had no idea that the Black Lodge members had decided to resurrect this ancient relic of a castle and appropriate it for their own dark means and purposes.

Upon his capture he was very surprised to find himself in one of the most southern parts of Ireland and to discover that indeed the members of the Black Lodge had been busy resurrecting Castle Freke for its own uses and upon arrival he had not had a chance to investigate this any further as he had been thrown and locked into the dungeons of this castle.

The elderly man had not dared to try and use his magick to save himself for fear of being discovered and had decided that his safety and survival depended on his using his wits and not his magick.

So he had stuck with his ploy of behaving like an incoherent old man who had no idea who or what these dark wizards wanted or were talking about and so far this had served him well.
Although his conditions were abysmal at least he was still alive.
However the damp dark conditions were starting to get to him and he had developed a rather nasty cough and felt cold and damp now all of the time.
He knew for himself that time was running out and if help didn’t come soon that as sharp as his mind was his frail old body would give out on him.

Still this was still preferable to what would happen to him if his captors discovered whom he truly was and he knew he had to do what he could to protect his beloved ones.
He had sacrificed himself this far and was willing to take this all the way even if it meant his death.

© 2011 Moonwillow
This book is available Worldwide from my official website along with my other published works at and it will also be available from WH Smiths, Waterstones and a variety of other retailers in the UK.

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